where r the halloween parties this weekend
Should pull my pup from daycare?
Anybody else's dood like to throw paws?
Getting my first big girl car, I could use some advice!
To all the Puppies on their First 4th
Why am I not surprised? (WW players if you know you know)
I returned my puppy after a week
Does your gooldendoodle listen to you?
Which Henry are you today?
A little motivation for those struggling with training
What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?
I need the biting to stop, any advice is appreciated!
Help! The biting never ends
Help me name my goldendoodle. he will be coming home in a few days after new year!
Getting my puppy in two weeks!
Getting a mini goldendoodle and am in need of advice!
What's that one interest that you spend unjustifiable amounts of money on?
What’s the weirdest thing a medical professional has casually said to you?
Called them out
AITA for not letting my ex-husband visit our son while he was in the hospital?
Chelsea has some nerve calling Bre uncouth and telling Jason in ep 10 that she “came at her” when all Chelsea has done is criticize Bre’s relationship with Nick Cannon. She needs a serious reality check.
Tell me all the juicy sims drama in your world right now!
Who is the most universally liked person in the world?
AITA for refusing to let my daughter invite her bio dad to her birthday and threatening to cancel it?
AITA for telling my daughter to leave for embarrassing me on social media?