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Updated chart of distro subreddits by member count (2024)
All I needed to rekindle the magic of old MMOs....
What niche system did you really enjoy but most people have never heard of?
Is there a Game where Cyberpunk and Demons or Lovecraftian mythos and Ghosts are combined?
Kickstarter Sinless Billionaire Bounty Campaign Setting/Adventure final 3 hours!
Tales of the Valiant PDFs released a few weeks ago, yet I see hardly anyone talking about it. How are people liking the system now that it's out?
The Nonat1s drama exposes a bigger problem; Pathfinder doesn't really have any standout content creators
I'm concerned about the effect that recent posts about PF2 YouTube creators will have on aspiring PF2 YouTube creators
Neil Druckmann: In editing my rambling answers in my recent interview with SONY, some of my words, context, and intent were unfortunately lost. Well, here's the full long rambling answer for the final question about our future game...
Help Me Buy Sapporo Classic
Anyone who wants an OSR video game, look at Immersive Sims
Vita Emulation is Super Underrated
Classless B/X
Hey everyone, my dad's a 65 year old old-school gamer who still runs an AD&D1E game weekly. Recently he's started doing YouTube, mostly focused on content from the early days, would be thrilled if you could show him some love!
Let's stop RPG choices (genre, system, playstyle, whatever) shaming
Looking for a 1b1b in Ravenswood (near Metra Station) for Late April under $1400.
Homecoming Server Now Holds an Official Licence to Host City of Heroes
Thoughts and experiences running Fabula Ultima?
Apparently, WoTC has been using A.I art on One D&D promo material
In spite of my love for DnD. I will never purchase another WOTC product again
Microsoft may lose $120 million due to the Overwatch League shutdown
Issues with multiple hard drives and Steam
I Hate Comcast and Their Monopoly on Chicago