The manly urge to become a cute girl
Going for %100 day 2
Show the most cursed images from the gacha games that you play
That one 29 year-old dude's statement: [copy-pasta]
Alr b*tch enlighten me!
The most complicated game you've played?
Why are you asking me about this?
Varesa cosplay by 柠好不好
What gacha character has the best smile?
Which of you?
This lady’s 29yo fiance spent $600 on gachagames while living paycheck to paycheck
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Charlie so real for this
The Punchline is Corn, It's Always Corn!!!
Natlan Cowgirl
Traumatize the Genshin fandom with one image
Character Teaser - "Varesa: The Legend of a Warrior" | Genshin Impact
careful guys, she's a hero
Which one of those most precious items left an impression on you?
I admit i have been too harsh on Natlan region (bit of yapping)
You got this, Tatankasaurus!
That one time a VA of Gacha game, be it the antagonist or protagonist blew us out with the amount of expression they poured in voice acting in some certain scenes?
oh nah 💀
What character/s did you obtain that felt like you hit a power level breakpoint in your game?
I just... I mean, I could eat a LITTLE more, I guess...