Anecdotal: We aren’t listening to strippers or service industry people enough (waiters/bartenders/cosmetic salespersons/hotel workers). They are the canary in the coal mine for the economy.
Very easy tutorial
Which presidential candidates had good policies but no charisma?
James K. Polk is the only President to never own a pet.
Gary Johnson booed at the Libertarian Convention for believing people should own drivers licenses
Wah wah
The Green Siblings, by @bearwithegg
Wealthiest people by each continent
Father of the nation (mediterranean version)
One day this sub is getting shut down
Guys we're f@cked. The fr*nch are reproducing above average around the Mediterranean. On a side note, kudos to Turkey and Egypt.
how come this sub not having mediterranean homosapien flaire?
Mediterranean in practice
Tyrannosaurus Rex, which died out 66 mya, is closer to us in time than it was to Stegosaurus, the last of which died out over 72 million years before the first Tyrannosaurus appeared.
Centrist moment.
Pretend it's 1945. Discuss....
Next day: The hot one
What do you think is the 2020s version of this?
reinventing puritanism
Barack Obama is the only US president who's life hasn't overlapped with a Civil War Vet
Jeanne Calment could have had intercourse (legally) with both Rutherford B. Hayes and John Krasinski.
Ides Tiramisu
The duality of Cyprus
The counter-Zionist propaganda