Rewarding tank/support players is the only way to solve 5 DPS instalocks
Wasteland song sounds different in the last Jinx’s scene
I Paused the Update, Game Crashes.
Loot boxes in D&D Beyond VTT? [OC]
Absolute Gigachad Henry Cavill
I have an immortal player in my save
[5e] [Online] [GMT+1] [18+] Looking for 1 Player for a Long Term RP Focused Campaign
[5e] [Online] [GMT+1] [18+] Group looking for a DM for a long Term RP focused Campaign
[5e] [Online] [GMT+2] Player Forming a Group
Occultist v1.1 by KibblesTasty - Oracles, Shamans, Witches and Rites! Delve mysterious powers, call upon the primal spirits, and uncover the old ways of magic (PDF in comments).
[OC] Dice Set Giveaway!
[OC] Medium Dicebag Giveaway!
[Online] [5E] [GMT+2] Looking For A Player Or Two For Homebrew Campaign
Enemies Stick To Ceiling
Looking for D&D 5e Tank Online
CPU Cooler Facing Up?
1440p - I7 8700k Or Ryzen 2700x?
The Best F*cking Mercury Guide