Why do I feel hate for degenerates and atheists
What are some compliments you've received that you still think about sometimes?
brink of divorce with newborn
How do you respond gracefully to unwanted parenting advice/criticism?
Divorce as a Catholic
Who are the best looking people in the show and ones you find overrated
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
Thoughts on snail mucin?
Did the the color of your nipples & areolas go back to what it was pre-pregnancy?
Can attraction grow?
A man genuinely asking for Reddit women perspective: My girlfriend broke up and came back too many times now
Wisconsin school shooter (Natalie Rupnow) wearing same shirt as Columbine shooter.
AIO for splitting the bill on a date
AIO - My 10yo daughter gets this text from a boy in her class. She is extremely polite to everyone she meets...
American Activism
UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Man being held for questioning in Pennsylvania, sources say
The liar from a previous post pmed me
AIO - please tell me I’m trippin… I think my husband wants to eat me?
NYPD releases 2 new photos of man sought in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO
If you went to hook up with an absolute 10 out of 10 perfect person, how many cats would they have to have at their house before you were "like this is too many cats" and left?
Manhunt for UnitedHealthcare CEO Killer Meets Unexpected Obstacle: Sympathy for the Gunman
The Shooting That Was Inevitable
Whip them out!
[ Removed by Reddit ]
God bless ya, America.