Help with buildings
Advice on selling
What is your favourite technique? Mine is Sōkidan
Appraisal Post - 1st Quarter 2025
Help me find a move
What Genre Would A Waluigi Game Be?
Dragon Stars
What's your favourite lyric from a song?
If you can choose 1 transformation to add to XV2, what would it be?
What's the craziest game controller you could mention?
These three are my top favorite monsters! What three are your guys?
What are some of the best songs you guys heard of from a suda51 game?
Favorite character that had wasted potential?
What's the most underrated Pokemon?
What Are Your Thoughts Suda's other Works like Killer7?
What was your first pokemon game vs your favorite?
What is a fictional character that you would turn into a Green lantern?
How good is the Flash cart for switch
Favorite One Piece Lady!?
Swapping waists
Maybe it's time we move on