Getting my first bike.
Wake up at 3-4am thinking I am at work.
Restaurant manager with 14 yrs experience.
Help to identify this bike
Mate wants to sell me 2009 Brompton for £450. Fair price?
How to keep the cucumber crunchy?
Helmet helmet helmet
Sushi Hangiri alternative
Anyone know which WhatsApp function is this ?
What to do if your sushi hangiri is mouldy
Talking about seat post
Is M6L-X still a good choice in 2024?
Carrying kids - until how old?
6spd c line vs 12spd p line vs used 6spd Superlight
What do you guys think of the new interface?
Is my damage consider low ? How to improve it? Kunai AF3 here
$2 voucher for every 5-star Google Review
Can someone make this picture of my daughter brighter and more clear? She died the day after birth and this is the only picture I have with her eyes open. Will tip 🩷
4S to 12S. P line rear titanium triangle identical to old Superlight’s?
Is the 6 speed Superlight still any good? M6L-X vs P line M4L vs C line M6L (budget : USD 3,000)
Can anyone make it look like I threw him way higher?
Cold weather + comfy bed = self-pleasure feels 🥰