Qué significan estas marcas en el edificio? Quién las puso ahí?
Autosabotaje en las entrevistas de trabajo, ¿Qué dijiste?
Dusknoir ruling
Wn hasta cuándo?
Juegos que les gustaría olvidar para jugarlos de nuevo?
Hagamos un ranking de las personas menos odiadas de Chile
Can someone refuse to explain something to their opponent?
que ventaja (pequeña) tienen en su vida?
No credits given after completong missions
What are your expectations for Mario Kart 9 that will be released for Switch 2?
Get your 300 gems from the 300 gems lottery 🗣️🔥
Cafe Cuties Rek'Sai by 於菟 SpTASIL 🫖
Gardevoir deck that targets Charizard Ex
So about Lana’s 2nd Trainer Lodge Scene…
How many decks do you have?
"in the name of Ithaca, I accept this message" (drawn by me)
Can somebody point me in the direction of what these do?
Thoughts on snorlax stall rn
What was your reaction to your first blood moon? 🔴🌚
You can upgrade anything. You can't spam on a single thing, You can only upgrade a single thing twice a year.
Advice on my Palkia V deck
¿Usan CHATGPT para alivianar la pega?
Que escucha el sub ahora?
The Icon incident…….