Congestion when lying down
I like a guy but I’m not ready to date
I like a guy but I’m not over my breakup
I like a guy but I’m not ready to date again yet
I can’t stop imagining one of my muscles being taken out with a metal hook.
I can’t figure out these stoichometry questions
Anxiety tips?
Tips for anxiety?
What do you wish you knew or things you wish you had after surgery?
6 weeks post op and cleared to walk in supportive shoes, if tolerated, but this message is in portal. What does this mean? Radiology reviewed after I left and Doctor is gone til Monday. “There is no solid bony Union”
Going to the dentist after depressive episodes
Going to the dentist after depressive episode
Guys of Reddit, what do you think about leg hair on girls?
Do I need surgery? If not, what exercises can I do to correct this bunion?
6-weeks post-op (before is on the right). I’m allowed to walk in normal shoes now!
Involuntary muscle spasms
Itchy bumps around surgical cuts?