Is "Bali belly" really a thing or it's just "3rd world country belly"?
Is washing your behind unhygienic?
Should I just pack my stuff up and leave?
Notation on Registration
Sexual harassment
The best cure for insomnia is one million dollars
For those with Seasons, how many holidays do you put in your games?
New Grad orientation cut short
Landlords doing it tough
ULPT Request: Most expensive thing you’ve ever taken from a hotel room without being fined/charged?
Does your floor have a policy for how long you use PIVs?
I was assured condoms were safe and there was only a one percent chance of them splitting.
Condition Report Advice
My coworker never struck me as very misogynistic, so I was surprised when he told me to smile for him.
Anyone attended patient’s funeral before? Any advice would be grateful
When grim is your biggest fan!
Do your parents own thier home?
Were you allowed to be angry as a kid? Or show any emotions at all?
Tell me your nursing mistakes
Confused nursing student please help
What kind of death scares you?
Why am I not losing weight?
Due to unexpected circumstances, I have only $9.67 in my account until next Friday, and decided to splurge on a small treat to make myself feel better. Hit with a hidden weekend surcharge which made things worse.
Can I get people's thoughts on mattress in a box?