What's best Raiden team that makes her stand out??
Dont get constellations!
My 875k record is gone. 💔
Report this person
how do i build furina? peope give me soooo many answers and im just confused now
Genshin Impact rhythm game bad for device?
Is my Furina build okayish?
5.5 drops the ball... again. What is happening with hoyo?
Is anyone else disappointed in the saurians designs?
Adam’s latest IG story
Why does this snark sub think this is a positive for them? Why don't they just stop following the show if they hate it so much?
Sam 🧡🧡🧡 and Ian
The snarkers are accusing Ethan of sexually abusing his children.
Is it worth to artifact farm or build new characters
Wishing spots suggestion
Small question regarding wishing
I need help being a furina main
Do you think Hoyo will ever do a rework for old 5 stars?
What can I do to improve my furina?
am i insane for thinking this game takes way too long to give you a 5 star.
Which 4 star DPS is good
Do you like the anecdotes?
Too many characters?
Why did people actually Hate/Dislike Lust For Life???
How did this person survive this long