Stomach bug going around job
Can anybody talk or keep me distracted?
Am I starting to get over this phobia? Can anyone relate?
Spotted at the Harrison red line by a friend
Thinking about manifestation out of nowhere
Medical emergency; power is down and no Red Line trains are moving line wide as of 6pm 10/3
I got the flu shot and I’m anxious
Adopting this cutie tomorrow what should I call her?
what’s your “you know you have emetophobia when…”?
How to take action when current circumstances are not allowing me to do so
Does anyone else wastes food because of this phobia?
How can I get myself to eat?
It happened…
It happened and I wasn’t even scared! NOT CENSORED
Having this phobia is so embarrassing
Is anyone able to talk?
Does anyone know why this happens?
Just need to vent
I tested positive with covid
Is anyone awake? It almost happened and I’m so scared. My mom said it could be acid reflux
Will my food be fine?
Wrong item and missing an item
What is one thing u personally don't fear but other emetophobes do?
Is anyone able to talk right now?