I am still really struggling to come up with a name for my new kitty, I need a name beginning with the letter C. Any suggestions I would be extremely grateful x
Can I use plastic on a new piercing?
Is he fat or big?
New Kitten- I am looking for a name that honours her special nose marking.
Help me name this cutie
Just moved in how do I make the space more cozy?
Aio for telling my oldest sister the jacket is mine and I can alter it as I wish?
Well.. i can never unpause now
Found out today that my husband is allergic to cats. We have two. Any advice?
How to cope with anxiety over sick animals?
Why does my cat refuse to pee in the litter tray?
How do I settle down during ovulation?
The dress my mom is planning to wear to my wedding. She sent this to me yesterday and I still haven’t replied
Bunnies ate raw Ramen!?!?!?
What is some weird thing that turns you on?
How do you deal with anxiety over a medical procedure?
My deviated septum x-ray
What do yall think he is?
Never have I spammed my mouse-click so fast to save myself
What flavor autism do you have
Please let me know how to decorate this . It doesn’t feel cozy, something is off
What should we make sure the devs include in Subnautica 2?
What would you name him?
Porque tanta gente apaga a conta hoje em dia?