Using MUL to pick mechs for a faction/era: question
Need help reconciling info on formations
My first...'canon' paint scheme, some Marik Militia gearing up to deploy to AdeptiCon!
Anyone else noticing another wave of negative BT content on YT?
Toddler Cochlear Tips
Transitioning from lip reading to listening/hearing
Why are support troops so prevalent?
Random thought
Highest combat strength?
Bug or lack of understanding?
AS | Little guys — what are they good for?
I'm a 40k fan who wants to start Battletech, what's the best box to start with?
I ordered 2 Salvage Box: shilone and got two cases
I absolutely love how Legendary Mechwarriors III is nothing but Bounty Hunters
Bad painters, what keeps you going?
Mech/Pack inventory sheet
Battletech is Thriving, But Catalyst Game Labs Needs to Improve Their Community Management
I really don't get the hate that this game is getting
Is there a way to speed up railroad tycoon?
Kickstarter Force Packs Still in Production?
How does seeing artifacts work?
First attempt at miniatures, and looking for more suggestions
Concern for young oranda
Newbie lore question
Would I like ES2?