Bad Ankle Sprain. Tips?
Why are all organized runs so early??
Been a minute
Was machen die Deutschen anders?
Why is Discovery+ so buggy? I just want to go to my account settings, and it never works. Not on Firefox, not on Chrome, not on Safari, not on MacOS, not on Windows. What can I do?
Eins der besten Alben überhaupt
What do I do with this
Wien my love <3
Beautiful leaf
Two of my Monsteras started growing leaves in the wrong direction after I installed a Sansi plant bulb. Are they actively avoiding the light? They don’t seem to be suffering otherwise. Could this be due to too much light? Has anyone else experienced this? I’d like to avoid it in the future. Thanks!!
Buy Plants and be happy they said! Well… it worked
My darling blessed me with her second "homegrown" leaf
Meet Mirmi - who besides destroying the Alocasia Frydek Variegata just in this moment!!! - is a well behaving cat <3
First double fenestrations ❤️
Does any body have a product/pesticide for fungus gnats? I can’t get rid of them no matter what I do & now most my plants have them 😭
Monstera mint
took this picture sponatneously and only realized it afterwards
What can I do to complete December challenge?
I did it! I have completed the Duolingo course! What’s next?
Hardflip or Shuv? @3rd & Army
What would you do?
Moss Pole shower day🪴
Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten sollen unbedingt besuchen?
Jade is finally flowering... only took 13 years.