When you want to escape from everyone, where do you go?
The car make and model describes the driver
How to get melatonin or any sleep aid?
Why in 2025 do people still study media studies?
Why study media studies in 2025?
What’s going on here then?
I saw 62 fare dodgers in 90 minutes on the Tube. It’s everywhere. Transport for London loses £130m a year to bumpers and tailgaters on the Tube. We watched the gates with plainclothed inspectors trying to stem the tide
Asked to come in early.
Performance 4wd hatchback and run premium all-season tyres year round?
What car “hacks” do you have - like rainx?
Mains dealer prices!!ATS fitted 4 Michellins XClimates 17inch, for £400 with £50 Amazon voucher thrown in.
New electric Renault 5 at a local dealer. What do we think of these new retro EVs?
UK Prime Minister with Alex Karp.
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Talk me out of buying this
Should I get a yoga towel for this mat?
Would a Handy person in exchange for room/board be reasonable?
How do YOU level up beans on toast?
Overtook on a mini roundabout
Oops, there goes my exit
Scammed out of £450 by rogue traders - what can I do?
It’s Friday, what are you looking forward to doing after work?
Should I do it?
Where do you set up your mat and what does that say about you?