I broke up with him and this is what the convo after went like 👍
I found this picture(?) in the apartment I moved into, is there any sense in this?
How can I justify purification?
My first one. What is it supposed to mean?
UPS package pick up?
Karma parking? Found this guy parked over the line and decided to park beside him without giving him a space to get in.
I have $3 to my name
Noticed a trend with Uber hiding tips that are over $8. The first upfront pay will not go over base fare + $8 tip. Then an hour later tips are increased.
How many true gallons is it to fill these bladder tanks? 2007 Gen 2
Poor Leonard
This ever happen to anyone else?
Cancellation rate
Be honest… what does your load out look like, how many days have you been playing and how much money have you spent 👀
Anyone else regularly make more from tips than net fare?
Hi I a new driver and I’ve been driving for uber for a little over 2 months. I’ve also applied for Doordash.
Harassed me and lied about not receiving his order.
No compensation for 2 cancelled orders
Just got the best response from my dasher. Currently LOLing
Wendys gave me my drink with no seal I asked for a seal they said they not suppose to do that but you seal the bag but not the drink...I got the seal myself..
How to fix the center control arm rest? I want to fix it myself if I can. 2007 gen 2
I slept all day and I still blame my mother
What does this mean? Does this mean someone reported it?
As a male delivery driver, this isn't a rare occurrence 😅
Uber Eats and DD MUST address the stolen order problem
I’ve only watched the anime but it has me loving/hating the mc