There Is No Word for Megathread in the Kremnoan Language - General Question and Discussion Megathread
Relatively new to fan fiction and AO3 and I have a maybe stupid question
I'm like 99% sure this is a scam. What do you think?
Word search rotator cuff
Tribbie, or Not Tribbie? That is Trinnon. - General Question and Discussion Megathread
Looking for long fics recs with an immersive POV
Me wondering which private discord server my fic is being discussed on
What's Your Unspoken Fanfiction Rule?
Crossover series tags
What is your favorite word?
What's a pet peeve that won't close a fic for you, but makes you want to forcibly beta read for the author?
How do y’all not obsess over ratios?
Leave the first and last sentence of your current wip/last posted fic and see if people can guess what happened in between those sentences
anyone else LOVE reading short fics??
I primarily ONLY read fanfiction
What is considered "too short" in terms of word count for a first chapter?
I refuse to tell people that I read fanfic bc this is what I think will happen
How do we pace ourselves?
I made a shrimp lol
Song lyrics for fanfic titles
Anyone else have such a problem with starting WIPs
100k hits!
bunny suit aventurine by @bui_nuy
more words isnt better work
when you run out of E's...