This is my betta, Ron Jeremy
I dont give a Fishe
The past is dying and nothing will ever be the same 😁😁😁😁
Thinking about stocking with a few angel fish.
I wish reddit had a renaming system, don't wanna be a crow cummer anymore...
The almighty inksmith got banned so i shall post this snafu
I hate when this happens
Coaxed into not misleading usernames
Why so clamorous?
coaxed into shitty ass generic makeshift™️ plushies
coaxed into uhhh
Losercity couple
imagine an orgy here
clammy alcoholism
hell yeah
Coaxed into the evolution of words
Coaxed into the Goat Man's Shoehorned Fetish
losercity double life
Cloudy water in fresh tank - no fish yet. Is it gravel dust?
Is this a strange morph or tumors?
Mad uber driver
Is this correct? chat gpt
What can I do with these?
Can I put a betta in here?