If you can only pump or feed through nipple shield - there is hope!
Should I try nursing every feed before resorting to bottle? 3wk pp
How do breastfeeding mums get anything done
Pick up the f-ing baby!
Everything I was taught about breastfeeding was wrong
What does your 3 month old look like while nursing? How do you know they’re done?
Positions for me to eat while breastfeeding
Have you ever been shamed for EBF or EP
Where do you feel your letdown? Or do you feel it?
What gross things have you been doing as a new parent?
Shoutout to the parents doing all the MOTN feedings and YOU ARE WELCOME to the ones who get 8 hrs uninterrupted every night!
Not enjoying the newborn phase like everyone says I should
Anyone else quit after they realized they don’t want to leave their baby??
How did we all survive as babies??
They lied about how far I ripped.
Why’d no one tell me this??
Thought it would be easier to do things with baby
Husband confused about breastfeeding
Why is America so against cosleeping but the rest of the world isn’t?
What should you NOT tell a postpartum mom?? I’ll start…
How did motherhood change your relationship to your mom?
Did your life not become horrible after having your baby?
I looked down there. I shouldn't have looked. Do not look down there.
Flat nipples, bloody mess and exclusively pumping
It was never just the milk