What is the best continent?
What’s a movie you can rewatch endlessly without getting bored?
What makes you instantly respect someone more?
What are the weirdest names you can name a pet?
What is the best history footage you have ever seen?
What do you think about Ukrainian peace conference?
Do you think you’re addicted to something? Why or why not?
What perfectly destroys pizza?
What is the best thing to do at free time?
What is the most underrated actor?
Which Star Wars movie is the best one?
What is the smartest quote you ever heard?
What was your most interesting dream?
If you had unlimited money,what would you buy in first place?
How was your day?
What is some weirdest lifehack you know?
What world would be like without cereals?
What question mostly creates arguments?
What is the greatest actor of all time?
What’s the weirdest situation you were ever in?
What will humanity look like in 100 years?
What are the most overrated films?
If you could invent a new holiday what would it be?
If you would be able to change something in world what would it be?
What is the most underrated film?