My Stephen King Collection (only Half)
day 36
help karo modern physics
A good question...( Not a doubt)
day 35
cut syllabus kaha se pata lgega jaise i just got to know planes nahi hain mains syllabus main, aise topics ki koi list hain kya jo mains syllabus main nahi hain??
day 34
day 33
day 32
Drop your PC/mobile wallpapers! Here’s mine. 👾
Formula for radius of curvature for a given locus if u dint know
what is a better source of questions for modern physics?
Hmm….Could be his sister! 🤡
day 29
day 31
What is your opinion
inquiry regarding bitsat test
day 30
The book that started it all, reading 'Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone' once again!
Fucked up maths paper
day 28
Doubt Pink book
day 27
Another optics doubt