I was rooting against Mina Kimes in Celebrity Jeopardy. She's seemingly good at everything, makes millions of dollars, and is beloved by everyone on the internet except guys who wear sunglasses on the backs of their heads.
6.5", here I am just hanging
Tim Duncan. A case above Lebron.
ready to date again...what's my best look?
41m, i like being naked
So Bomani wouldn’t go on celebrity jeopardy because everyone would expect him to win and it wouldn’t be fun. But real life Lisa Simpson will 🤔🤔🤔
They don’t make logos like this anymore
Skip and Stephen A reunited on Skip's podcast and it was....boring
Sports Card Nonsense
When did you realize Bomani's washed?
Klosterman really pressed Bill about his gambling
Paczki are worth the wait
Feel like the podcast is getting a little worse these days
Anti-NBA sentiment has gone too far in here
Was tonight the biggest gulf between major sports competitions in recent memory?
I wasn’t familiar with your game Mr. Goti
Zach Kramm leaving The Ringer
Bring back Jalen, Jalen and Jacoby pod.
Katie Nolan on her manss Soders podcast did some railing against draft kings and hating that everything is sponsored by gambling now. actually a reason for not joining meadowlark or more so just convenient?
Most prominent trend of the 2020s NBA: The Fat and/or Lazy Star
Why are Bill and Russillo so smug about *watching* basketball?
Mina Kimes DEI take on BlueSky
Kate Nolan making another run at hosting a sports generalist podcast
(39) -->trying to eat less ice cream --> (41)