What is the weirdest thing that stops you bingeing
I just found out that Margaret was 53 when she started being an aide and left at age 57, and Karren will be 56 next month
Vyvanse and alcohol?
Do you feel like you will be on vyvanse the rest of your life?
Me waking up knowing damn well it’s going to be a cheat day
What to do while pregnant?
Anyone find it easier to quit vaping ?
Anhedonia and social media
Does eating a lot of sugar make you more intolerant to Vyvanse?
IF Weight Loss Rate
Is it better to taper off Vyvanse or quit cold turkey?
Who are the best looking people in the show and ones you find overrated
This cast photoshoot is iconic 🔥
This might be specific to Aussie audiences - but when Joey & Chandler describe the 'girl from the Greek restaurant with the hair', do you automatically think of this?
As great of an actor as Robert & Jamie were, they looked nothing like Tony or Carmella
This is hilarious 😅
Has anyone had this effect with coffee
What is your fave season 🤪
Watching juniors descent into dementia was sad
Jim Gandolfini in rough shape?
Does your parent create suspense and drama just to tell you something stupid?
Dua Lipa wishes boyfriend Callum Turner a happy birthday: “Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world ❤️”
I think Rachel should have ended up with Joey.