Are few people looking for long term?
My former best friend blocked me after using my help to find a new job
When to have sex when dating for long term
What was caste system like when the subcontinent was mostly Buddhist?
Feels like I dodged a bullet here
Holy Men and women engaged in Bisexual Foursome, India [698x539]
Tracing back lineage
Thank you for giving me your reviews and enjoy reading.
is crying over her legit ? Does women feel the pain of someone who became ex after 7 years ?
If a movie was made based on your sex life, what would the title be?
Should a lack of intellectual stimulation in a guy be non-negotiable?
My girlfriend packed me some eatables for me to eat on coming back to home from the airport
Men, who are extremely handsome, conventionally attractive and hot do you guys get approach by women for hookup without actually flirting with them?
Gujarati meal
Does anyone else think Wab Kinew should think about running for the federal NDP leader?
Dating has made me more heartless.
Do you ever get over your first love?
Guy blocked me day of second date.
What should I do with my best friend
What do guys want vs what do girls want
How does sex start in a FWB situation
She wrote me a letter this morning as I slept, I feel speechless.
“Lila” was not making much of an effort, I feel
Preferred indians.....