facetime pictures taken before global tragedy
step dad left his dmt pen downstairs.
it’s my 19th birthday i’m on acid right now MARTIN V HAMZA LETS GOOO
can i use shoe goo to glue my bones?
disappointed by the way yall treated nardwuar
should i do coke or molly at a rave?
i’m finally going cold turkey.
to those who have gotten/are sober, how did you do it?
how to know when ur nose is fucked?
cow on the run at regal cinemas
dumpster fire??!?
what’s your fav activity to do when on coke by urself?
Came up where I was growing a blanket flower last year, but looks like rudbeckia?
These tiny purple flowers? Located in Washington State
lost cat
best high% low calorie alcohol?
eye twitching/tremors on shrooms?
cops in fairhaven??
I took acid as a 14 year old, could my brain be fucked up now?
i hit and killed a small dog yesterday and drove away
Native or Invasive cherry?
found a raccoon fallen victim to an asshole
gross black eggs on my cherry tree?