Does it mean you look “matronly” if you’re asked if you have kids?
How many of you have genuinely high self esteem regarding your looks?
At what age is it too late to go for “unrealistic dreams”?
Do pretty women never really get overlooked/ignored?
Anyone struggle with “reverse” body dysmorphia?
Daily Discussion - Sunday August 25
Did you notice a change in attention or perceived attractiveness after “minor” weight loss? (10-30lbs)
Viall Files Exploiting Love Island Kendall's Trauma
Season 6 - Reunion - Post Episode Discussion
Post Reunion Thoughts
I was eating a Subway sandwich earlier and my mouth/throat felt pretty weird while eating it…is this an allergy?
Having a cat while being allergic to them?
I am allergic to cats but I have a kitten. What are the long-term consequences to this?
My Dad Keeps Telling Me I Am Going To Die
Thinking of getting my 4 month old kitten a playmate. Should I?
My kitten doesn’t seem interested in doing much play
How do I keep my house, myself, and my kitten clean?
How do I keep my house (and myself) clean with my new kitten?
What are the ramifications of a “bottle-fed” kitten?
is there anything I should know about getting a kitten?
Feeling so stressed with my new kitten
I have so many questions about raising a single kitten. Please help?
I am getting a single kitten in August and I need advice on how to keep her entertained.