Four corners- exposes child care profits over safety and quality
"Name something Abe Lincoln used to ride on"
Tigg Talk - Ep. 485: Pog Corto
Council disrespects rainbow serpent. How could Dutton do this?
Proud rangaborignal
Call me what you want. I'm still voting for Clive ❤️
It's electrifying!
10000k euros ready to be invested to Pokémon cards.Any suggestions?
Standard labor/greens voter
How many of these do you keep?
Max Raikou can be duo’d with 2 mushrooms
Should I purify?
Colorado woman keys swastika on CyberTruck
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
This dad's relationship with his kids
iPhone Cookie Edition
Introducing the city of Clive Jaffa!
Dave Metlzer incorrectly reported that SCJerk pays for JerkID Talent to sub into Indy Jerk subs and Automod writes the posts
MFW, you release scjerk is slowly turning into a non jerk sub & it's just hating on wrestlers and goon over the ones they like.
bloody albo
Payman apologises for saying Iran is a place where women's 'voices are heard'
Peter Dutton’s work from home policy has many in Coalition ranks worried