Problemas con un envío internacional.
Can “por favor” come across as rude?
Me encantaría tener hijos, tengo casi 26 años. ¿Es normal?
Musescore 4.4.4 doesn't playback any audio
Any Online Lecture Resource (PDF) for Secondary Dominant/Subdominant/Supertonic/Leading tone/etc. ?
No me gusta la carrera de la cual me estoy por recibir ¿Cómo afrontar la situación?
Nouns made out of "phrasal verbs", breakdown, takeaway, downfall, upbringing, lowdown, outcry, etc. etc.
Argentinian here. Ask me whatever you want about milei after 13 months of precidency
[Opinion] I seriously do not understand why Life is Strange is so highly praised
Know Your Gun Parts
VII ( G major) chord in Eb key ?
The Magic Shop - H. G Wells
Juan Pedro Aleart representa ahora La Libertad Avanza ¿Opiniones?
Clases de portugués?
Es posible localizar a una persona con su número de celular?
Why does switching to half-tone higher feel so smooth here?
Why would anyone have fallen in love with their psychologist?
How often would anybody have fallen in love with their psychologist?
Why do i feel an intense love towards my female psychologist before i see her back again?
Why do i overwhelmingly feel love towards my female psychologist?
Who do i overwhelmingly feel love towards my female psychologist? It's like a bittersweet sensation where i often realize it's undoable action for her crawling over the same crush on me like i do for weeks before i see her back again.
Who do i overwhelmingly feel love towards my female psychologist? It's like a bittersweet sensation where i often realize it's undoable action for her crawling over the same crush on me like i do for weeks before i see her back. Am i stupid? I'm almost 26. She otherwise might turn 40 or less soon.
Is this website any good at finding the musical key of a song?
Making mistakes while learning a new language: good or bad?