Wow Jimmy's family sucks. Had sex with his own mother in S2 E11. Then killed his own dad. His family is almost worse than my family
OMG! Incest S2 E11. WTF? Damn why incest is taking over America?
This is the most beautiful TV show I have ever watched. Love the scenery, the 20s musics, the costumes.
I don't understand why white man's TV shows are always full of sex. Tony and Christopher are always fucking
how do I (F 18) completely cut off a guy (M 19) who's obsessed with me and is planning to meet me even though I rejected him.
I know if I don’t learn to control it now, it’ll eventually kill me
I used to drink whiskey all day long. Then I managed to drink whiskey only in the morning. Each morning I drink 1 cooking measuring cup of whiskey before I eat breakfast
Make petitiion to let Michael Gandololfini to play the young Tony Soprano in the new series
Too bad The Many Saints of Newark bombed
Took a girl out but she insists her 'daddy' must also come eat with us. So 3 of us ate at a Chinese buffet.
Why do Italians say they are not white people? That's what Christopher said
The secret of making any ramen broth taste good is to add a teaspoon of whiskey. Much better than sake or mirin
Whiskey is my breakfast. First thing I do when I wake up is to drink about 1 cup (measuring cup for cooking) of whiskey.
2 cups of dry soy beans can make exactly 1 gallon of soy milk and leave behind 4 cups of soy pulp, which you can make soy bread with
What soup to drink when ordering curry rice in Japan?
2 cups of dry soy beans can make 1 gallon of soy milk and leave behind 4 cups of soy pulp, which you can make soy bread with
Will from season 9 tried to ruin Paul's chance at the final by squeezing Elise and Carrie together. But karma kicked him in the ass hard at the end
Man f*ck the waitress who said I should pay for all my food and should not tell her to pay half
Soy bread is delicious. Make soy milk. Then use the soy pulp for bread.
I think the most annoying contestant in Hell's Kitchen is Elise from season 9
Japanese curry rice without using roux blocks. Save $3 each time you make 7 cups of curry
I am so glad that Russell from season 8 did not win at the finals. I can tell right away he is a extreme narcissist
Soymilk maker
My secret of making very strong curry is to blend the onion and garlic with a blender before pouring it into the pot.
Wonderful recipe for making Japanese curry without roux blocks, saves you $3 each time you make 7 cups of curry