Bernard Sumner: ‘If you’re a working class white male, you’re a bit forgotten about’
Police probe NSW prosecution office over leaks
Best movie of 2024?
Brady Corbet: ‘Companies financing movies are risk-averse’
Wicked Review: Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande are perfect in this Oz prequel that dazzles and drags
Paul Mescal to visit Australia for Gladiator II premiere
Sky Ferreira: ‘I never feel like an adult, but I’ve never felt like a child either’
Fever Ray: ‘It’s more dangerous if we are having fun making a revolution’
New Kylie music and 'proper tour' "simmering away in the background"
Sam Kerr spent time in custody cell on night she allegedly called a cop a ‘white bastard’
Football Australia kept in dark over Kerr charge
Wednesday don’t want to be TikTok famous
‘Like early Beatles gigs’: Inside Swift’s first Australian tour
Australia’s answer to ‘Tiger King’ is a global hit
Martin Scorsese: ‘One doesn’t have to revel in the violence… but that is part of human nature’
Rock on (and on): why older artists make better music
Barbie is wonderful and completely bananas
Brad Pitt accused of acting “like a petulant child” in winery dispute
Older (Baby Boomer) Taylor Swift fans
‘The best way you can support women in production is to hire them’
Katie Perry wins court battle against … Katy Perry
Avengers director says AI will be making complete movies in two years
Where to get Issey Miyake Pleated Pants or good alternatives in Australia?
The O.C. star Mischa Barton joins the cast of Neighbours
AI 'diversity' models take financial opportunities away from real models with diverse backgrounds.