Just found out that my husband voted for Jill Stein.
Plastic Recycling
All I need is to pass gas
The last period before surgery
Occult Mental Health?
Robot assisted laparoscopic surgery: How long before you were walking around the house?
What to pack for overnight?
70 yo dad is stranded at hospital, social worker wants to send him to homeless shelter
If you had a hysterectomy, what happened with your fibro symptoms?
Explanation for the placement of the tablet from my last post
Rory's baby voice is enfuriating me through this 5th rewatch
Notre Dame?
Found in the Mississippi River. What is it, and what's inside?
Protest Organizing
How do y'all sleep with your cats?
If everything is temporary, why is there trauma that will never heal?
What if your child is trans?
When did you stop asking your parents questions?
Fibromyalgia and migraines?
My cat won't stop sleeping next to me on the bed.
Stop considering yourself Left or Right
Does anyone have any cats that have lived long on friskies/fancy?
Peoria Communist Party AMA
2 of you in bed? Seperate blankets!
Personal conflict when starting a local sangha