Some stills from my first ever show reel. Graded in Resolve.
Who is at fault here?
I'm going to lose my mind. Gyroflow keeps crashing Resolve.
Winter park ahead of the game on this one
I freaked it in Colorado
Clavicle fracture- surgery or no surgery?
Clavicle fracture - Surgery or no surgery?
Icefields Parkway in March vs. April vs. May
Sent a big backie in the Colorado backcountry
Need help on Buying my first Cine Glass set
Thoughts? I feel like I either let go too early or I need to go bigger.
Filmed two locals throwing down during a whiteout. Stoked with the result!
Is Dehancer still worth it?
Deer collision. Cracked the bumper, broken absorber, and some busted supports around the grille. Headlight damaged. Do you guys see anything else that I'm missing?
No SDI signal on a brand new Komodo X
No signal via SDI on a brand new Komodo X
Sony fx6 vs RED Komodo x vs fujifilm gfx 100 ii
A little late, but here's our halloween costume. Yes the baby was on belay!
Scaling image for Instagram- post looks low-resolution and pixelated.
RED commercial viability
Looking for a good source for OEM 40 and 60 series parts. Specifically a triple-groove harmonic balancer assy for an '86.
Anybody have an idea?
New 1,500 mile trail being created to cross Texas. Texas USA.
I inherited a large sum of money and I want to use it to empower my career.
Blackmagic DP considering a RED or similar. Concerned about making the jump. Thoughts?