What a downfall...
Do you guys think that wendigoon leaving Is it going to hurt it a lot
The end of red thread
Ugly guys may not be able to reproduce
Do you prefer Megatron to fly or be a tank?
Why is my toilet flashing red?
Who was in the right D-16 or Orion Pax ?
I can’t figure out why everything my brother makes tastes like soap when we use the same spices
Is it possible to start liking a language that I hate?
It's always crazy when I think about how different my life would be if I just looked like a regular girl
Just started to learn my 3th and 4th language!
Is it possible to have 2 MBTI?
Ugly men cannot just be confident, funny, charming, or get by on "personality"
Can games stop pretending all men like sexualized women?
Why doesn’t magnesium work for me? On the contrary, it actually worsens my sleep significantly if I take it before bed.
How are you supposed to respond to someone who doesn't have class consciousness
Stocks of european companies skyrocketed and I have absolutely no money to invest
Just saw someone say “being unattractive has its pros and cons just like being attractive does”
Even escorts reject men based on their race and ugliness
Are Haier as bad as the TrustPilot reviews?
Do you shuffle cards before or after you play?
Is it wrong to bring games (especially large ones) when you haven’t read the rules
Ugly women are you also extremely avoidant around men?
AIO bought my bf a $200 pan, told him not to use metal on it.
Wife v Husband