Is my hairline receding? 23M
3 months topical minoxidil. Can’t tell? I think the part looks fuller?
super sad :(
Advice for thin and volumeless hair
Anyone else dreading summer?
does anyone have this sort of hair loss pattern ?
Diffused hairloss
2 months on Minoxidil 5% foam
worried about liver health
New growth or fly aways?
Life changing results from hair fibers
Anyone else have this spot and what has your derm said?
New growth?
Added oral min after almost 1 year of using topical. Dread shedding bad.
Maybe this is asked alot, but I want to start minoxidil but I am afraid of dread shed, any word of encouragement please
3 months 2.5mg Oral Minixodil Progress so far
questions about minoxidil
Is Minoxidil worth trying if my hair is genetically fine/sparse around the temples?
Terrified of going back to minoxidil but desperate
6 Week Progress
4 months on minoxidil
Grateful for Accutane
[Request] A Storm of Swords: Illustrated Edition by George R. R. Martin epub
Shampoo recommendations for fine, dry, wavy, and thinning hair?
Why does my hair look like this in the front?