Gen Chem 2 Engineers GroupMe
Chem 160
Management textbook
Summer Classes
Am i really the only person who misses Asher and Oliva?!
The "Stop Being Mad/Toxic" Posts Don't Help
How (UT Austin)?
Dear UT Austin: Die in a Hole :)
Should i retake the exam if i’m aiming for northwestern or higher or should i stop and focus on ecs? (Male,KoreanAmerican,boarding school in china)
Reading section out of 51... Not 52?
Official December 5, 2020, US SAT Score Release Thread
should i submit my 1390 to Ivies and other T20s?
Join me in prayer
Can someone critique my common app essay?
Offering in depth college essay reviews for the first 3 students
UT Austin Fall 2021 application deadline extended to Dec 15, 2020
Official November 7, 2020, SAT Score Release Discussion
Just got out home from my wisdom teeth surgery but I happy that I improved!!!!
Nov 7th SAT Revelation: Burnout is Real
So for those who got their scores, was it confluence or junction???
I'M FREEEEEEE (Thanks khanacademy!)
I’m ready to cry tomorrow morning when I see my score!
Nov 7 reading question
Projected score for Nov 7th