Waymo Driverless Cars as a service. Video concludes that major cities will have driverless car services in 2026... Waymo probably consented to the video with full review of content.
Redoing my yard, what I be crazy to remove this?
What is the point of a pergola?
We tried to buy American chips as a Russian defense manufacturer
Making art from sand in a bottle
In Japan, sumo wrestlers give their autograph to fans as a handprint, created with black or red ink. This centuries-old tradition is called a 'tegata'.
Leverage for energy generation.
Half-Lives Training To Build Engines
Lions Roaming Freely in the streets of Junagadh,India
The Sounds of Lava
MIT Researchers, using high-speed cameras, observe that rainfall can release aerosols.
USA goverment sent out email to Dutch scientists with questions such as "does your organisation have affiliations with communist, socialist or totalitarian parties".
Absolutely Unreal!!! March 13th 2025
Definitely not looking at his phone now.
Mueven las negras
La calzada romana más grande del Imperio Romano estaba en España, era la vía Augusta y recorría desde Cádiz hasta la actual Francia. Unos 1500 km
Works everytime or is he getting stabbed?
This is Trumperica AI generated music video
Dear Europe, Serbia needs your attention this Saturday!
No music, Just pure engine sound
Her smile 🥺
Un pan horneado en la mañana del 24 de agosto del año 79 d.C., el mismo día en que el Monte Vesubio entró en erupción y sepultó la ciudad romana de Pompeya. La hogaza quedó atrapada en el horno, conservándose hasta nuestros días
Are we not just Sims for the Gods? Do we not fear the Reaper and yearn for Woohoo? - Socrates (probably)
Man trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindly, but in a different way
Mars Rover captured a TicTac on camera SERIOUS