Weirdest thing you got yelled for as a child
Did your nex get their karma?
Does anyone know what breed/ mix my chicken is? (She’s has a coop, she’s just in aside to hang out for a bit)
Chivalry is not dead
How did you get out of hardship?
I totally have a Malibu Christie addiction
Stinky Belchers
Why do babies just stare at me?
What is a rich person thing that you would be totally into if you became rich
What have you realized you like less and less the older you get?
Was your most expensive purchase(besides from a house) worth it?
No one seemed to appreciate my brown creeper photos on Instagram, thought maybe you guys would!
Did they tell you that they didn't deserve to be loved?
Things/media/people who contributed to your bi awakening? I’ll go first
Who is a former mainstream child actor or actress that survived the toxic world of Hollywood and is currently doing really well for themselves?
Which CPTSD Symptoms are the hardest for you to handle?
Things you learned by yourself that school didn’t teach ?
Charles Bronson and his wife Jill Ireland. Early 1970s
Who is the Scranton strangler?
Marilyn Monroe photographed at her apartment by Philippe Halsman, 1952.
Using AI For Validation
I want to smell like a witch
Has anyone’s school ever actually had a food fight?
Am I The Narcissist?: 10 Ways To Prove That You Are Not!!
I aquired a vintage ring, help me choose a center stone to complement it!