Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Tanker om nylig spådd potensiel renteøkning og ikke lenger rentekutt?
Noen som har tips til en trenings nybegynner?!
Is slash or any other game mode coming relatively soon?
Any way to get in contact with a smitegame twitch mod?
Do you not choose a name in Smite 2?
Do I have to spend my Smite 1 gems - before linking accounts?
Hi Farmers! I can offer 8 land deeds for 8 stake markers. Does anyone want to make this exchange? Thank you !
Upset at the game right now
Damn diddily do, is this Kyle MacLachlan’s actual body in the return?
UPDATE: I gave my number to a guy and now I feel like an idiot
D4....good?! Feel silly for listening to the meme
Is this a good rare circlet?
Hvordan er det mulig med <2000 i strømregning?
Im actually gonna cry
Støyreduserende tiltak mot naboens varmepumpe (utedel)..?
Do you think its possible?
If you won 20 million dollars, what changes would you make in your life?
Why is a male having a "type" looked at as shallow or in negative light but not when a female does it?
Is Dumbledore Really the Greatest Wizard at this Time? Is Hogwarts Truly the Safest Place on Earth?
How does one even accomplish this????
Why is it socially acceptable to tell introverts to speak up but not so socially acceptable to tell extroverts quiet down?
Datteren min ble mobbet av en klassekamerat. Endte opp med en skadet brille
So we all get the same prizes ?