CPSC 330 Final??
What is your favorite restaurant within 30mins of UBC?
geob 102 lab 2 help please
What’s the most weirdest thing you’ve touched that almost made you gag?
How would your dream house look like?
Your username becomes a real being with a human mind and it spawns in your house, what is the outcome ?
You’re an assassin, and your Reddit username becomes your signature way of finishing off your target. How will they meet their maker?
What was the worst/weirdest thing you microwaved?
Feeling pretty fucking lost right now what’s still worth sticking around for?
What’s the best way to make your house smell incredible all the time?
What does a “mental breakdown” feel like?
In the US hotdogs, chicken nuggets, and Mac and Cheese are foods that are seen as loved by children, what are these foods in your culture?
What's your favourite thing to say when you're angry?
What secret do you have that if it got out would ruin your life?
5’3 (135 to 108)
anyone want to try Chloe ting workout programs?
anyone want to do Chloe ting workout programs?
Need to practice my French
What was the most unexpected birthday gift someone gave you?
Quick question
People who grew up in third-world countries, what was the biggest shock for you when moving into a developed country?