Kasting av papp
Any recommendations for good anti fog sprays? Is the arena anti fog liquid good?
A pipe expander
what is a basic computer skill you were shocked some people don't have?
Favorite underrated guns?
AMC lets go to the moon
Laser sight?
Any thoughts surrounding ABNB?
2-3 Rayquaza raids active now. Me: 0140 6017 6784 And my friend: 1044 6297 8493 will invite
I think everyone wants a shiny Rayquaza so let us invite to as much raids as possible. Good luck for a shiny ✌🏻 006222570562
052722803883 - New pokestop next to my house, got lots of gifts to get rid of daily - (Upvote after you add me please)
What is something other people do that bothers you?
Need help with the final Semester Test
My white and black burrito
People of Reddit, those of you who AREN'T depressed and DON'T have anxiety....what the fuck is that like?
What is the best (nonsexual) feeling in the world?
My hand before and after surgery and 6 weeks of wearing a cast.
MRW anytime baby Yoda appears while I'm watching the Mandalorian.
What do this cards do? How do I use em?
Last run luck
Reddit Battle Royale!
Am I the only one who sees this
Is Das Moge worth from shelter mission?
Xia or demon Hunter