I bought my wife a book on mindfulness but she didn't appreciate the present.
My wife said, Why don't you ever have anything to say to me?
What’s the best way to get over an ex?
If women ruled the world there would be no war
Katy Perry can't find her seat at the Coronation of Charles III
A young man walks into a pub
My mates new pet - Lamborghini
Does my note convey my anger at having my coffee stolen?
My wife told me over breakfast she dreamed I'd given her a diamond ring
Advice needed
Two history professors have been sitting on the veranda, watching the sunset.
The wife always has the last word in an argument.
Hey do you guys want to hear a pizza joke?
I was sewing all week
What do you call a cow who's done amazing things in her life?
Where The Great Wall of China meets the sea. Literally never thought about this.
Where do the Chinese keep their armies?
I quit my job at the helium gas factory
Who is the artist?
Buffet Crampon model?
The Eyes Have It
What do you call a Mexican Owl?
A sheriff walks into a bar...
My five year old son squealed with delight...
Paddy and Mary are having some issues in the bedroom department