Regarding Danisha/Khalil Comments, H3H3, and My Patreon Experience
What's one peeve you have with a good skin? I'll start:
[Routine help] Double cleansing dilemma: The good, the bad, and the cystic acne!
You get to delete 1 character from the game as if they never existed. Who is gone? I'll start.
“Non-Muslims created the 9-5 working week to stop Muslims praying Salah. Avoid working for these companies.” - my local Imam
Normal-to-Oily Combination Skin, acne-prone, sensitive and dehydrated skin - What Are Your Holy Grail Products?
Help the Mydei mains!
I'm starting to resent my mother and she is driving me away from Islam
This sub made me hate hadith rejectors
Does anybody know if CN fanbase is also upset about the autobattle?
The treatment of male vs. female characters is, frankly, insulting.
Hi, hello, can we collectively complain about Mydei's kit?
I'm thinking
Forget the haram police! What (music) artists do y'all like?
If you're going to instalock 4 dps, refuse to shoot fliers, and get less kills than a Rocket, I don't think I'm the problem.
what was going through the devs' heads
The hair of Monat's highest income earner
The Ratio of Character Roles is the problem with too many Duelists
This is a Dylan Jadeja appreciation thread.
Why do people act like this, genuinely? Like what kind of psychopathology leads to this behavior?
What demon slayer opinion would have you like this?
This guy sucks
Anyone have the Bloodshield Invisible woman Skin?
Riot is making (almost) the same mistake as Blizzard