Can you hide the new PLEX vault?
Making sense of stats
So what you’re saying is that he can’t keep getting away with this?
I secretly recorded my professor making sexist remarks and got him fired!
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
The M18 wasn't a suicidal gocart, and the M4 Sherman was meant to fight tanks.
Nemesis Dreadknight as a Proxy
NC Republican Congressman screamed at by Constituents in a Town Hall event
Pirahna's design looks silly to me. Does it for You, too?
Has BFME Reforged lived up to its name yet?
cream cheese in sushi is an abomination in and of itself. never should it be added to sushi.
Hello all, freshly new to the game, finished my first campaign on easy, and holy schmoly is it hard.
All 6 planets are now completed. And my favorite 2 are on the table tonight...... Game night with my boy...💕👌
Hmm? Wut?
Perhaps Domino’s has put the final nail in Pizza Hut’s coffin with their new stuffed crust. It’s a 10/10 for me. Now they have Pizza Hut beat in every category except breadsticks.
"Stay close, young ratlings! They say that a great eldar-witch lives in these woods."
Sins of a Solar Empire II - Special Preview: Paths to Power DLC
We just got a new detachment!
Annnnnnd another nerf!
DP 1.4 vs HDMI 2.1
Former Rep. Katie Porter launches run for California governor
So I'm back working at Domino's..
Pizza dreams
How my first night went
About to start working for papa John’s delivering pizzas in a mid sized US city. Any helpful tips or advice from my fellow delivery drivers?