Is it possible to start a campaign with funds/renown? (even by cheating)
White caps and canucks.
Is This Normal?
Is there a mod for American truck simulator that adds a Pacific P16?
What’s that new economy mod that is pretty hard core but seems to be the most popular one
Clearly they never met a nightshifter
Potential Clans DLC popped up on SteamDB: Ghost Bear Flash Storm
How to handle not being able to call in sick
What happens if my first driver contract just ends?
What is the point of trailers if you make less money from cargo than from jobs?
It’s A “Stratagem Jammer”
Looking for a new truck
I’m either a genius or an idiot for this… are you joining me this Friday? [KCD2]
He should be able to play… SMH
Daylight savings time
Best Way to Treat Work
For the love of liberty, just get on the pelican.
How do feel about this democratically glorious piece of technology?
How to end an eradication mission instantly
Did I volunteer for a 12? Yes. Do I regret it seeing as I only got maybe 2 hours of sleep? Idk you tell me 😭
[KCD2] Petition to add a fast travel point to this location.
Calum Nicholas (F1mech) quitting the garage life.
Scania or Volvo?
57 reasons to use the airburst rocket launcher