What fields in computer/data science and related fields, if any, are *not* saturated currently?
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Rename your favorite Linkin Park song as a clickbait YouTube title
Rename your favorite Dragonball Character or Saga to a Clickbait youtube title
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Developing an autonomous AI hacker - 1 month in
BugGPT now has over 50 exploitable web apps!
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How often do criminal hackers actually get traced, arrested & prosecuted?
TarantuLabs now *hosts* over 100 free, exploitable, web apps
Built a free Web security practice range!
Tarantula Lab - over 50 free, exploitable, web apps!
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Autonomous AI agent for web application hacking
Looking back on 1 year at Microsoft
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[For Hire] Affordable autonomous AI powered web security scan
One important thing to know as aspiring developers - write informative, verbose, commit messages
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The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Log4view: log network graph visualizer
Log4view: log visualization tool
Log4View: Log Visualization Tool
BugGPT: OpenAI powered security vulnerable web app generator!