Anyone get the confirmation email yet after pre-ordering Destined Rivals?
Driver stole the food order, marked it as complete and support does nothing.
Is anyone having issues with the my bell app
Is this freshly pulled Charizard worth grading ?
Costco 151 tins for the win
Freshly pulled from a 2 pack prismatic. IMO , it’s a beautiful looking card
Live WWE Raw Discussion Thread - March 03, 2025!
Got a blaster with lose cards, packs missing and the bottoms open of Marvel Masterpieces 1992 platinum
Super Bowl LIX Hub Thread
Live WWE Royal Rumble 2025 Discussion Thread - February 1st, 2025!
Any reason why there is a noticeable uptick in static electricity ?
Where can I buy affordable soccer shoes?
Crunchyroll Premium Login Details Leaked; Users At High Risk
Cell phone account stolen and added a phone/line.
Why are independent shops selling Prismatic at reseller prices ?
Second Half Game Thread: Denver Broncos (10-7) at Buffalo Bills (13-4)
My messages to seller going to their spam box
Will payroll deduct CPP for hours worked in 2024?
Completely forgot I had put these in an old suitcase I was about to donate
The fog is providing some great photo ops
Last nights fog
Post Game Thread: New York Jets at Buffalo Bills
This fog reminds me of something…
[Smile 2] [Spoilers] The ending starts the outbreak in the 28 days later universe.