Curly Hair Salon in HTX
When I tell someone I’m going to Disneyworld and they ask me “The one in Florida or the one in California?”
Which song did you use for bride entrance and for first dance?
Can someone explain the timeline of AYITL to me?
Update about my crazy productivity situation
Reception dress or not?
Trip Report for late Jan/Early February! Enjoy my ramblings
Is the Skyliner always super slow in the morning?
I made this 3D chalk art at Epcot this weekend for the Festival of the Arts!
Weekly FAQs & General Discussion Thread
Why are so many rides down?
Best way to target maintaining attention?
Paediatric slp, do you enjoy being around children?
Customer posted about working in unfair conditions, jacket prices need to be lower + better quality
how did you “dress up” your invite suite?
What do I do in this productivity situation? Lots of details below.
Opinions on totally mismatched bridesmaids
Will Our Reception Be Underwhelming?
How are you getting home?
How much time did you take off work for wedding?
Brides with glasses: Did you regret your choice?
Wedding songs
Confused on what counts as words for a 2 year old in Early Intervention
Itinerary and Multipass Questions… starting to second guess everything!