Why does MAS-36 seem to be so popular?
Little rant for ppl just getting into art
Should I do DrawABox as an intermediate artist?
Working on a comic-style, let me know what you think! Sister of Battle fighting xenos
Working on a comic-style, let me know what you think! WH40 Fan piece
Why did the war on drugs work in China but not the USA?
How I Made $1250 in 9 Days Using Reddit and TikTok
Most ridiculous NJP / Court Martial you’ve seen?
What's your ADHD 'life hack' that sounds ridiculous but actually changed everything?
Army complete (less than 50 days start to finish!)
SOMETHING IN THE DARK. Had tons of fun making this one!
SOMETHING IN THE DARK - Really fun drawing to make!
SOMETHING IN THE DARK. My favorite faction in the WH40k universe.
59 mile Crosscore Pumpkin Patch ride and 200+ mile assessment
Help climbing out of the "study artist" hole?
SUMMONING. Constructive crit welcome.
SUMMONING. Constructive crit welcome
Summoning, doryoboe, digital, 2024
Basic Muay Thai leg counters
Made this trailer frame-by-frame in Procreate for my upcoming game You Got Laid Off
Ritual Site, doryoboe, digital, 2024